Sail type shades manufacturer in Dubai

How to Keep Your Sail Type Shades Looking Like New?

Sail type shades are extremely useful and practical because of their large size, and durability.

But that also means that they need to be taken care of in order to last long and provide you with the kind of protection from the sun that you want.

Maintaining your sail type shades is not that hard, especially if you follow these simple tips on how to keep them in tip-top shape.

Clean Debris Or Water

The first step to keeping your sail type shades in tip-top shape is to make sure that they’re clean and this is what every sail type shades manufacturer in Dubai will also suggest.

Be sure to clean your sail type shades from time to time to keep them in good shape. This will prevent dust and debris from accumulating on the fabric, which can cause premature wear.

The best way to do this is to get a wet rag or sponge and wipe down the cloth as you would do on a window. You can also use a lint roller if there are any pet hair sticking out of the fabric, but be careful not to press too hard or else you might damage the sails!

Regularly Checks The Structure

Regular checks of the structures can keep your sail type shades in tip top shape, and are recommended to be done every month or two. First, inspect the stitching and make sure all threads are intact.

The next step is to check for loose stitches that might unravel with time. If there are any loose stitches, it’s best to take them out as soon as possible so they don’t come undone.

Cut Back Overhanging Trees Or Branches

Trees and branches can easily get caught on your sail type shades and rip them. The best way to avoid this is by trimming any trees or branches that are overhanging your shades.

It’s also a good idea to clean off the surface of the shade from any dust, dirt, or grime that can accumulate on it. This will make it easier for you to spot any potential hazards before they become an issue.

Monitor And Repair Sails After Major Winds Events

It’s important to monitor your sail type shades after a major wind event. Inspect the fabric for any tears and patch them up. Use clear tape if you can’t find a matching fabric patch to cover the tear. Clean dirt off the surface with a damp cloth and wipe it dry with another cloth.